Monday, November 1, 2010


"There is no drug in current or prospective use that hold as much promise for sustained health as a lifetime programme of physical exercise".
---Dr. Walter Bortz{1982}

Evidently,today Dr. Bortz advice is just as current as it was in 1982,and it is still widely accepted as sound and relevant.
Some have erroneously concluded that they do not need to exercise because they are not overweight. Obese and overweight people stand to benefit greatly from a regular exercise programme,but even if you are not overweight,an increase in physical activity is very likely to improve your overall health and help to prevent serious diseases,including certain types of cancer.
Also,recent studies show that physical activity can reduce anxiety and may even prevent depression.The fact is,many who are slim suffer from mental and emotional stress,cardiovascular diseases,diabetes and other conditions that are aggravated by a lack of enough exercise.Hence,whether you are overweight or not,if you lead a sedentary life,you do well to increase your level of physical activities.
While moderate increase in everyday physical activities can bring significant health benefits,researchers say that greater results are obtained with more vigorous exercise.Though health professional recommend consulting a doctor before embarking on such a programme of vigorous exercise. Below are some options for your physical exercise:
  • Brisk walking:Sometimes called speed walking or power walking,this is one of the more convenient ways to exercise.All you need is a comfortable pair of walking shoes and a path.Walk with a longer stride and a pace that is considerable faster than a leisurely stroll.Try to reach a speed of about 4-9 kilometres an hour.
  • Jogging:When yo jog,you are basically running at a slow pace.Jogging has been described as the most efficient way to achieve cardiovascular fitness.However,,because of its higher impact,jogging is more likely to cause muscle and joint injury.Hence,joggers are reminded about the need for adequate shoes,stretching and moderation.
  • Bicycling:if you have a bicycle,you can enjoy a very effective form of exercise.Bicycling can burn up to 700 calories an hour.Like walking and jogging,however,bicycling is often done on the streets.For this reason,you must remain alert as you ride,taking all the necessary precautions to prevent accidents.
  • Swimming:You can exercise all the major muscle groups in your body by swimming.It also helps you to keep your joints flexible,and it can give you virtually all the cardiovascular benefits of jogging.Because swimming is gentler on your body,it is often recommended for people with arthritis,back problems,or weight problems as well as for pregnant women.avoid swimming alone.
  • Rebounding:This aerobic exercise requires the use of a small trampoline or any flat surfaces raised a little above the ground level.It simply involves bouncing on the trampoline or any flat surface.Research has shown that rebounding improves both blood and lymphatic circulation,increases the capacity of the heart and lungs,improves muscle tone,coordination and balance.
  • Lifting and Stretching:Scientists have recently concluded that a balanced fitness programme should include some forms of strength training such as weight lifting.Done properly,weight lifting not only builds muscle but also increases bone density and helps reduce body fat.While stretching helps to improve flexibility and blood circulation.

Saturday, October 30, 2010




You may be obesed if you;

Ø Spend most of your day sitting (either watching TV or in a vehicle or at a desk), in other words if you are not moving.

Ø Seldom walk more than 90 meters daily.

Ø Have a job that keeps you inactive.

Ø Do not take between 20 and 30 minutes to exercise once a week.

Ø Are taking too much of carbohydrate, junk food and even alcohol.


To lose weight, some of these tips can be tried out;

Ø Beware of calories in what you are eating.

Ø Avoid temptation to eat just any food.

Ø Have a snack or appetizer before eating a meal. This will take the edge off your appetite and may induce you to eat less.

Ø Don’t eat everything put in front of you.

Ø Listen to your body’s signal which says “I’m full, I don’t need any more”.

Ø Stop eating before you feel full.

Friday, October 29, 2010



  • Researchers suggest that the old,overworked motor neuron becomes so exhausted that some of its nerves endings die,leaving many muscle fibres orphaned once again.To slow this process,a polio survivor needs to reduce the demand in the affected muscles.Assistive devices such as canes,braces,crutches,wheelchairs and scooters can be used to reduce too much demand on these muscle.
  • Moderate exercise and muscle stretching may also be required depending on one's condition.Swimming or warm-water pool therapies are excellent means of enhancing cardiovascular function without straining the is advisable for the patient to cooperate with the doctor or physiotherapist in any exercise programme.
  • Survivors may also be experiencing decrease in stamina or even a debilitating fatigue.Loss of stamina may also result from the stress of constant pain or of dealing with a returning disability.Therefore,rest during the may be helpful to recover from fatigue.
  • Pains may be lessened with te use of analgesic or anti-inflammatory types of medication.
  • it is also important to keep the affected muscles warm by wearing extra clothing.Avoiding exposure to cold weather helps.
  • Breathing problems are common especially among those with a history of BULBAR polio{a form of polio that affects the spinal cord in the upper neck and thereby weakens the breathing muscles}.this type of polio has landed some patients in an iron lung.therefore,a ventilator may be used to assist weakened lung muscles.

Thursday, October 28, 2010



Post-polio syndrome can be described as series of symptoms and sings experienced by survivors of poliomyelitis.Poliomyelitis is a debilitating childhood is a highly infectious disease caused by virus that enters the body through the mouth and multiplies in the intestines. Afterward,these viruses invade the nervous system,and therefore quickly cause total paralysis.As the virus passes along to the brain and spinal cord,symptoms like fatigue,headache,vomitting,stiffness in the neck,pain in the limbs are experienced by the sufferer.Many of the nerves stop functioning,resulting in paralysis of some of the muscles in the arms an limbs.
Here comes the body's recuperative powers which are amazing.Nerves that were not affected by the virus send out new "sprouts",to reconnect the muscle cells that were not orphaned when their previous nerves died.A single motor neuron in the spinal cord may also grow terminal axon sprouts,which may connect to many more muscle cell than it did originally,thus greatly increasing the neuron capacity.a motor neuron that previously stimulated 1,000 muscle cells might eventually reconnect to between 5,000 to 10,000 cells.So,it is possible for the sufferer to be able to walk again through this amazing recuperative powers of the body.
However,research has shown that over a period of time of 15 to 40 years,these neural-muscle units may begin to show signs of fatigue because of being overworked.therefore,POST-POLIO SYNDROME{PPS} is a condition that causes symptoms to reappear in individuals who had earlier recovered from poliomyelitis many years back.many sufferers experience muscle weakness,fatigue,joint and muscle pain,cold intolerance,and breathing problems.According to World Health Organisation,there are over 20 million polio survivors worldwide.Current evidence further shows that 25-30% of them are affected by PPS.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This is characterised by loss of sleep.This disease can lead to man to his early grave if adequate care is not taken.
It may be as a result of certain drugs that are reacting in the body,psychological problems which may arise from financial,family or social problems.Also certain diseases can result to this.
Hypertension,loss of apetite,emaciation,heart attack,cardiovascular problems and finally untimely death.
----Go to sleep at the same time every night and try to wake up at the same time each morning
----Establish a relaxing bedtime routine.Dim lights,listen to quiet music,soak in a warm bath or do some light readings
----Avoid caffeine,tobacco and medicine with stimulants before sleeping
----Avoid heavy night time snacking and smoking to fill the wee hours
----Skip rigorous exercise before bedtime
----Keep your bedroom quiet,dark and comfortably cool.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


You are all welcome to this site that give you ways to maintian a very good health and good living